About Concept

Meet the team behind Concept Print

Our team has a wealth of experience within the print arena. We are dedicated to perfection and we ensure that every job is looked after at every step of the production journey. Click on the team members below to find out more.

Terry Cadby


Terry began work in August 1982 working for The Robert Horne Paper Company in Northampton.
He joined the print industry in 1990, having worked in various sales roles nationally for B2 & B1 printers. In 2004, Terry took a leap of faith and started Concept Print.

Dream car: Bentley GT convertible
Passion in life: My wife (yes, I know this sounds corny)
Where were you born: London
Favourite place abroad/UK: New York/Bath
Facebook or Twitter: Facebook everytime for me
If you won £1 million what is the first thing you’d buy?: A holiday for me and my family
Favourite food: Indian, basically anything curried
Favourite person from history: Marvin Gaye

Tony Lawson

Business Development

Tony started in the print industry straight from school in 1974. His long career has included many roles and he has seen and managed many changes. Tony has held senior management positions in a variety of companies and brought all of his expertise and experience to Concept when he joined in May 2017.

Dream car: Porsche 911 GT3 RS
Passion in life: The outdoors
Where were you born: Can’t quite remember where!
Favourite place abroad/UK: Berlin/London
Facebook or Twitter: Social media, not my bag
If you won £1 million what is the first thing you’d buy?: As much Ritter Sport chocolate as they have at the factory OR even buy shares in the business
Favourite food: Lincolnshire sausages
Favourite person from history: Alois Senefelder

Corporate Social Responsibility

We are fully committed to undertaking our works in a responsible manner that achieves and maintains the highest standards and minimises our impact on society and the environment.

We demonstrate an ethical approach to our work and ensure that it:

  • contributes to sustainable development, including health and the welfare of society.
  • takes into account the expectations of our stakeholders including our clients, our employees, our supply chain and the local community.
  • is compliant with applicable law, consistent with norms of behaviour and is integrated throughout the business and practiced in our relationships.

Environmental Statement

At Concept we recognise that protecting the environment is fundamental to our operational ethics.

Through best practice we strive to educate our staff with a commitment to review and improve our impact on the environment.

As a company we pride ourselves on our awareness and continual improvement to ensure that we are doing our part in protecting the planet.